5 Things You Need Before Baby Arrives

Some items were gifted but all opinions are my own.

Preparing for a baby has been a lot harder than I was expecting it to be. There are just so many things that I didn’t even think of that we will need. Like I didn’t even think about dish soap to wash the baby’s bottles with. Like who would even think of that? I obviously didn’t. Thank goodness for my friend Whitney, because she helped me realize everything that I needed before Blake gets here. I have rounded up a few items that I believe are going to be life savors once Blake arrives.


This is something that I have seen so many people use on a daily basis once their babies arrived. The dockatot is something that we plan to use everyday. We plan on having Blake sleep in our bed for the first couple weeks and this is something that will help give me peace of mind while sleeping. I have always been afraid to have my baby sleep in the bed with me. This dock also helps with soothing, which sounds AMAZING as a first time mom. Because who knows what is going to help sooth Blake. The dockatot is supposed to act like the mothers womb and that is where the baby is supposed to feel soothed when not in the mothers arms.

I chose the black marble color for mine. I felt that I could attempt to keep that the cleanest with a newborn. I know that babies can be messy and black is always my go to when it comes to messy things. When the Dockatot first arrived, I was so excited. I opened the box immediately to feel it and see where Blake was going to spend so much time. It seems very comfortable and safe for Blake. I can’t wait for him to come so he can try it out himself.

Baby Monitor:

We felt like this was something that was a must. We chose this monitor because it did not run on wifi. As much as we wanted something that ran on wifi, we were worried about our internet going out and hackers. We did not need anyone else watching our baby boy. This one has different lenses so we could zoom on little Blake while he is sleeping, because we all know I will be doing that haha. Just need to see his precious little face.

Car Seat:

A car seat is definitely something that you need before the baby comes. I know the hospital doesn’t let you leave without the correct car seat for your little one. We ended up with the Nuna Pipa. I read so many reviews on different car seats that my eyes felt like they were going to fall out of the sockets. I know this one is a little pricier than others, but it has so many great reviews and passed so many safety tests.

Also keep in mind that if you and your significant other drive different cars a lot, you might want to consider getting a second car seat base. This is so you won’t have to transfer the base back and forth between cars.

Baby Wrap:

This is something that I felt I needed before Blake arrived because I know I plan on wearing him around the first couple weeks. Newborns only know the womb and a wrap can mimic that for them so they can feel safe. I chose this wrap because its hands free and helps create a bond between baby and mother. Click here to shop this wrap.

Bottles and Bottle Warmer:

Bottles are something you definitely want to have before baby arrives. We did a lot of research on the type of bottles that we wanted. Joe originally wanted glass ones (avoiding plastic) but I talked him into silicone ones. I was afraid that when we warmed up the bottles, that the glass ones would get too hot to hold or even pull out of the warmer. We chose these bottles because they are BPA free and they also promote air free eating. I also linked the bottle warmer that we received. This is the one that we use at the school that I work at. I decided to get the same one because it is something that I am comfortable with and didn’t have to learn a whole new system!

I am planning to breast feed, but I have been told that there are circumstances that milk does not arrive on time to feed the baby. That is why it is important to have bottles and even a formula picked out just in case. I guess the hospital will provide formula in that case, but make sure it’s a brand that you are comfortable with before you settle. We plan to do some research on formula before our brith, just in case my milk does not come in to feed little Blake.

5 things you need before your baby arrives