Party all Night with the VII Code Overnight Eye Mask

**This post is sponsored by VII Code but all opinions are my own**

VII Code Eye Mask


My friends over at VII Code sent me over their 8-hour overnight eye mask and I’m going crazy over it! This overnight eye mask is different that any other mask that I have used. It has a gel like substance that sticks to your face (pretty well I might add!) and you sleep with it on! I have never slept with a mask on before and it was actually pretty cool! I was skeptical at first since I had never tried something like it before so let me share with you my experience…

 So this is how it works,

1.     Wash your face as normal at night with your normal face wash

2.     Then you put on the eye strips, (they are actually pretty comfortable!)

3.     I applied my nightly cream around it because my face gets dry at night and I did not want to dry out the rest of my skin.

4.     Go to bed!

Once you wake up, after about 8 hours, then you gently pull them off and see a difference! I noticed that my skin was tighter after 3 uses of the mask. Though I still have my dark circles under my eyes, I have noticed that it is not as dark as before so I am very happy with how that turned out.

I had a few concerns when I decided to give these a shot but now that I have tried it I am feeling 100% better. My biggest fear of wearing this mask was what if it falls off my face while I was sleeping? The first night that I wore it, I woke up a few times making sure that it was still on my face but by the next time, it was so easy to sleep with it on! My second biggest fear was that it would ruin my bedding. I did make sure to use an older pillow case just in case but since it stayed on my face so well I had no problem with there being a mess.

I am so glad that I got the chance to try out these masks because I am really feeling and noticing a difference.  Plus, my husband thinks I look like a superhero when I wear them so that made me feel pretty cool (hehe)! 

If you want to give this mask or anything on their site a try click here and use code VIIcode

I would love to know if you have experienced an overnight mask, so leave a comment below!


VII Code Eye Mask
VII Code Eye Mask