Our First Look and Why It Was So Important to Us

Our First look and why it was important to us
Our first look and why it was important to us
Our first look and why it was important to us
Our first look and why it was important to us
Our first look and why it was important to us
Our first look and why it was important to us
Our first look and why it was important to us
Our first look and why it was important to us
Our first look and why it was important to us
Our first look and why it was important to us
Our first look and why it was important to us

Our wedding was seriously a dream come true and I wouldn't have asked for anything different. One of my favorite parts was our first look and I am so happy that we did it. It was so intimate between the hubby and I. 

I completely understand those that want to stick to traditions and want to have the first time seeing each other be at the ceremony walking down the aisle. We are both pretty shy and it took a lot for us to even say our own vows in front of everyone. So for us it was really important to share such an emotional and personal moment just to ourselves before the wedding ceremony. You may be thinking that having the first look will take away from that special moment when you see each other at the ceremony, but I promise it won't! The whole day is filled with emotions and seeing my hubby standing up there at the alter was just as special as the moment we did our first look.