Fall in Vail, Colorado

Fall in Vail Colorado
Fall in Vail Colorado

For our one year anniversary, we decided to do a day trip up to Vail, Colorado. It was so beautiful up there and I am obsessed with fall time in Colorado. After living in San Diego for the last two years and not experiencing fall really at all, this was life changing. The changes in the leaves are just amazing. I feel so blessed to live here now.

When we got there, it was pretty hard to find parking. I do not do well in parking garages and we started looking there. For some reason that is where everyone went and it was crazy inside that parking garage. Finally we left looking for another location to park at. We ended up finding one above the parking garage and that was super easy (and FREE)!

Once the parking was all figured out, we headed to a farmers market that they had going on! It was so big! I was really surprised with how big it was and how many great things they had! It was so much fun to walk around and see what all the local businesses were selling.

We had considered taking the gondola up the mountain but we didn’t want to spend $120 for both us to get up there and then have to spend more to do any of the activities. HINT: Breckenridge’s gondola is free in the summer and you just have to pay for the activities.

After walking around and checking everything out, we had a beer at Vail Brewing Company. Man I love a good blonde. The beer I had was called “Hot Mess Blonde” and it was amazing. Joe had a hazy IPA.

Fall in Vail Colorado

One of our favorite things to do when we have nothing going on, is to go look at all of the houses that are for sale. So we did just that in Vail. We just drove around the neighborhoods looking at the beautiful homes and admiring the streets. Also dreaming about what we would want one day for a vacation home!

Vail is a place I think everyone should visit, especially during the fall. All the leaves are changing and it is gorgeous. I hope that we get to go back again soon even though it will probably be covered in snow!

Fall in Vail Colorado
Fall in Vail Colorado
Fall in Vail Colorado
Fall in Vail Colorado
Fall in Vail Colorado