The Biggest Surprise for the Hubby on our Wedding Day


So I was able to pull one last surprise on Joe towards the end of our wedding night! This was probably one of my favorite moments (out of a lot of favorite moments!). 

So if you've never heard of Smirnoff Icing before, you're in for a treat. I have linked the rules to icing here for you to read from the Urban Dictionary! I had never heard of this game until the weekend I met Joe's brother. He had "iced" Joe while we were out one night and it was hilarious. After this, Joe had told me that they did this fairly often and that him and his roommates did it to each other  all the time.

 Then one day I was watching videos about weddings to get ideas on all different sorts of wedding stuff and I came across of a video of a bride icing her new hubby and I knew that's what I wanted to do! So I had contacted Joe's brother and we made the plan. Joe's brother was in charge of bringing the Smirnoff to the venue and then I made a plan with my planner (from Willmus Weddings!) to set a minute aside for me to put it in the garter before I sat in the chair. It was COLD but totally worth the look on Joe's face when he pulled it out from under my dress! 

This was probably the hardest secret that I have ever kept from Joe. He was the first person I wanted to tell when I thought about it, but I knew it would ruin everything if I gave out any hint. 

Here is the full video for you to watch! Joe had no idea and it was hilarious! You can totally see my excitement in the pictures below the video! 

Smirnoff Icing Wedding Day
Smirnoff Icing Wedding Day
Smirnoff Icing Wedding Day
Smirnoff Icing Wedding Day
Smirnoff Icing Wedding Day