How to Choose the Right Wedding Venue

Aviation Vineyard Wedding Venue
Aviation Vineyard Wedding Venue
Aviation Vineyard Wedding Venue
Aviation Vineyard Wedding Venue
Aviation Vineyard Wedding Venue
Aviation Vineyard Wedding Venue
Aviation Vineyard Wedding Venue
Aviation Vineyard Wedding Venue
Aviation Vineyard Wedding Venue
Aviation Vineyard Wedding Venue
Aviation Vineyard Wedding Venue
Aviation Vineyard Wedding Venue
Aviation Vineyard Wedding Venue
Aviation Vineyard Wedding Venue
Aviation Vineyard Wedding Venue
Aviation Vineyard Wedding Venue
Aviation Vineyard Wedding Venue
Aviation Vineyard Wedding Venue
Aviation Vineyard Wedding Venue


Your wedding venue is probably one of the first items that you have to check off that wedding to do list. It obviously sets your date but also helps with what type of theme your wedding will have. It could be either the most stressful part of planning or the easiest part of planning!

I have to say, that finding the perfect wedding venue was probably the hardest item to check off our list during wedding planning. I knew I wanted something that fit my expensive tastes and the hubby wanted to find something within our budget. 

I knew I was sold on our venue when I saw the bridal suite! It was absolutely gorgeous with the Paris theme. I am still obsessed with my venue and here are the reasons I knew it was right for me! 

5 tips on knowing you chose the right wedding venue

1. feeling the pure excitement in your heart: that was when I knew that we had found the right venue, and it was literally a pile of dirt when we went to visit the very first time! (It was still under construction).

2. knowing it fits in the budget: There were plenty of places that I fell in love with, but knew it would never happen because my budget didn't call for it. It was devastating, but in the end it worked out because I found Aviation Vineyards

3. when the future hubby loves it too: it was really important to me to have the man I was marrying love our venue just as much as I did because not only was it my day, but it was his as well. As soon as he saw the airplane, I knew I had him sold on the location.  

4. you were flexible on your date: it is important to be flexible, especially if your venue is really popular. We decided to pick two dates just in case the venue was booked. Luckily for us, our date was not booked but our backup date was! 

5. the theme you've always dreamed about: for me, I've always wanted something grand and beautiful. So basically super expensive when my budget didn't allow for it. I almost settled for something else (that would have been way out of my original dream) but then we came along to this place and it was literally everything I could dream of. 

All pictures done by my amazing wedding photographer Jonny Scott Photo

All flowers done by Erin at Flowers by Erin